Find Alternatives to Guardianship in your State with CYVYC’s Interactive Map!
Alternatives to guardianship (A2G) can help youth with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) get support when making decisions.
The Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice (CYVYC) Alternatives to Guardianship (A2G) interactive map shares key information about A2G in all 50 US states and DC. Our map covers A2G in four areas of decision-making:
1. Education, which includes tools like Educational Representatives and Delegation of Rights
2. Health, which includes tools like Advance Directives and Health Care Proxies
3. Financial, which includes tools like Durable Power of Attorney and Personal Financial Power of Attorney
4. General, which includes tools like Supported Decision-Making Agreements and Power of Attorney
Use this map to learn more about what A2G are available in your state and how to use them!